Our Mission:
Promote and committed to social, economic, and self sufficiency for Native American people in off-reservation counties in Montana.
To promote, foster, and encourage programs for the general welfare, education, and social benefit of American Indians.
To establish and maintain education, cultural, economic, and recreational programs for American Indians.
To eliminate barriers of discrimination of race, religion, gender,
and to educate and broaden the knowledge of the American public on Indian issues and culture. Regarding its unique positive contributions to American Society.
Our Program:
Incorporated in 1974, the Montana United Indian Association (MUIA) serves urban and off-reservation Native American people in Montana. MUIA operates under Section 166 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, (WIOA) administered by the Department of Labor and Industry as an Indian and Native American Program.
MUIA is a Native American resource and advocacy organization dedicated to improving the prosperity and well-being of Native Americans and their families.
Since its inception, thousands of Native American Montanans have benefited from opportunities and assistance provided by MUIA. Yearly, Montana United Indian Association serves 200 people across Montana in obtaining, and upgrading employment, retraining for new careers, and obtaining higher education degrees. MUIA networks with tribal, local, state, educational and federal entities to maximize services available to off-reservation Native American people.

MUIA Serves the State of Montana
Billings: Serves Billings, Bozeman, Butte, & Helena
Great Falls: Serves Great Falls & Missoula